MetaFinance V2 Preview

5 min readJul 9, 2021

MetaFinance has been running steadily for 8 months since its launch. It continues to iterate over business models and products, starting with ETH and moving to HECO and BSC. We will go to many more destinations in the future, demonstrate to the world the feasibility of the Dao Community Ecology and DeFi integration path. In Q3Q4, we’re getting a major update that represents the V2 version of MetaFinance:

  • A new user experience of visual and interactive
  • MetaDEX
  • Stable coin pool
  • Update of the model of token economy
  • Digital identity and NFT
  • An open and inclusive encrypted community

A. The new user experience:

In the new version, we will be introducing a new user interface upgrade, the main purpose of this upgrade is to give MetaFinance a better user experience.

We are currently working with a top team on an iterative version of the page design that will better fit the commercial positioning of a decentralized financial integrated business.

  • Show all products under the ecology, independent of the product URL.
  • Statistical node ranking, display user personal data and community data.
  • Cross-link networks are clearer, pledge output is updated in real time, and MFI deals feed prices in real time.

B. MetaDEX

In the area of decentralized finance, Uniswap is a well-known product with hundreds of millions of dollars in daily turnover, millions of dollars in daily transaction fees and less than 3,000 daily active users. MetaFinance has a strong consensus community of 12,000 users. Transaction demand is a strong demand in the digital currency field. MetaDEX serves every user and group in the community, from one community to the global development of decentralized exchanges. The community route is a new DeFi experiment, and the profits are fully used to support the development of MFI ecology.

MetaDEX will be deployed in multiple public chains, creating the largest community multi-chain DEX, unlike the common decentralized exchange, MetaDEX uses advanced algorithms to obtain liquidity from the major exchanges and split individual transactions among multiple Dex, offer asset exchange at the best price in the market, reduce user cost. The initial version of MetaDEX will do the following:

  • To obtain the optimal exchange rate: the leading algorithm to automatically obtain the liquidity of multiple exchanges, identify the best exchange rate transactions.
  • AMM transactions: supports currency conversion and can split large transactions into multiple Dex to reduce transaction costs.
  • Order book transactions: supports the automatic triggering of transactions when the price reaches the entered price within a certain time.
  • Liquidity Pool: the introduction of MFI and the main currency of the liquidity of the mining pool, according to the cooperation project open cooperation pool from time to time.
  • Governance incentives: according to node governance MetaDEX, adjust transaction fees, recommended incentives, governance incentives, such as mining pools.

The technology community thoroughly studies the market maker algorithm, and for the first time in DeFi industry develops a solution to the problem of free loss under AMM model, creating a safe market maker environment for SWAP of AMM model. We have passed the verification of the theoretical model, google will focus on future releases of MetaDEX to help DEFI users ignore pro bono losses.

C. Metatrigger launches stable coin

MetaTrigger will open the USDT/BUSD/DAI stable money pool, users will be stable money into the MetaTrigger contract, the contract automatically helps users to complete the process of arbitrage income, through the intelligent contract to achieve compound interest, without the need for manual reinvestment. User positions are not subject to any risk and can be accessed or withdrawn at any time.

The MetaTrigger is a traditional entry point into DeFi, offering multiple returns on demand deposits at the underlying banks. Stable money without any risk, we hope to be able to absorb more traditional industry community into DeFi industry, service community users of interest and trading needs. The stable coin of MetaTrigger applies the node reward and the invitation reward, the community product invitation will obtain the income by the more intuitionistic way.

D. Update of the model of token economy

MFI is the governance token in MetaFinance ecology, MFS is the incentive token in ecology, and the dual-currency system can distinguish the ecological governance from the ecological incentive.

The role of MFI will be more prominent, MFI is the external brand of MetaFinance ecology, applicable to all products within the ecology, we will continue to observe the MFI economic model of the degree of robustness, and product compatibility. Adjust your economic model in time for V2 updates, and the community will debate and vote on divestiture, production cuts, or inflation. Build product profit buy-back, value-added service consumption, cooperative mine pool, Metatrigger reward application scenarios. MFS online MetaDEX, open MFS trading pair, update the pledge pool, timely optimization of dividend model, holding air drop, and MFI completed linkage.

E. Digital Identity and NFT

Meta, as the MetaFinance white paper reveals, has the financial discipline of the blockchain world, giving MFI ecological users a unique NFT: digital identity DID. In MetaFinance, each user has a unique digital identity DID, which is held by the user in the form of NFT, including registration time, pledge information, community information, etc. . According to different digital identity DID, users can get a variety of NFT: community user NFT, Cornerstone user NFT, node NFT, super node NFT……different rights and incentives, participation in product white lists, etc. , and a digital identity in proportion to the profits of metafaith ecology.

MetaFinance has made a bold attempt to combine DID, NFT, and DEFI. Digital identity is first used in MetaFinance’s unsecured lending, where different digital identities such as super nodes, nodes, etc. are lent without having to remortgage tokens, that is, it can advance the output of the mine pool in a certain period of time, at the same time, the corresponding NFT can be recovered, and the NFT can be reclaimed after the advance amount and interest are repaid. These nfts, which contain digital identity information, circulate and trade freely, but their corresponding rights disappear after the transaction.

F. Open and inclusive communities

MetaDAO has had a number of votes since its launch, a joint community governance committee has been established, we have completed our collaboration with several well known DEFI projects, and the MetaDAO architecture is about to undergo an upgrade:

  • Campaign nodes to support more communities around the world and to reward communities of excellence.
  • DEFI school normalization, popularization of DeFi knowledge and product advantages, building the world’s largest encryption community.
  • Work with MetaFund to capture more value, more frequent project interactions, and specific benefits to each user.

Metafinance is taking a new approach that combines community building with DeFi, proving to the world that the gateway to DeFi doesn’t just an online wallet. We can see that more and more communities are joining the MetaFinance ecology, and MetaDEX daily active users will match and surpass most decentralized exchanges.

“There is a single light of Metafinance, and to brighten it anywhere is to Brighten Everywhere.”Relying on community radiation is a new development route, DeFi based on strong consensus will go further.

